External Attack Surface Management: Leveraging a Scientific Approach for Optimal Cyber Defense

In an era of ever-evolving cyber threats, safeguarding your organization's external attack surface is paramount. Join Censys and guest Forrester for an insightful webinar on External Attack Surface Management (EASM), focused on the benefits of leveraging a scientific approach and best practices for implementation. In this webinar, we’ll delve into the intricacies of EASM and explore how adopting a scientific method can yield the most desirable outcomes for your business. Our primary objectives will be twofold: to minimize the likelihood of your organization being breached and to minimize the time it takes to respond to critical situations.
Key topics to be covered include:
  1. Process Optimization: Discover how to establish a robust EASM process that ensures thorough coverage and efficient management of your organization's external attack surface
  2. False Positive Management: Learn about effective strategies for thoughtfully managing false positives, reducing noise, and enhancing the accuracy of risk detection
  3. Asset Owner Identification: Explore methodologies for finding and engaging asset owners within your organization, to facilitate collaboration and accountability in risk remediation efforts
  4. Integration Strategy: Learn how to develop a thoughtful integration strategy for your EASM solution, to maximize its effectiveness and compatibility with existing security toolsets
Morgan Princing

Product Manager AIR, Censys

Morgan Princing is a Senior Product Manager at Censys. She helps customers derive value and build meaningful workflows around Censys’ External Attack Surface Management Platform and Internet-Wide Scan Data. Her career in cybersecurity began in botnet detection, where she worked to protect websites, APIs and mobile apps from bots by detecting and blocking anomalies in web traffic. Morgan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Urban Studies from the University of Michigan

Erik Nost

Sr. Analyst, Forrester

Erik Nost is a senior analyst at Forrester serving security and risk (S&R) professionals. His coverage includes vulnerability risk management, attack surface management, breach and attack simulation, and security testing and validation

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