Fuzzy Matching to Find Phish-y Domains: A Censys Lunch and Learn

In this exclusive Censys Lunch and Learn webinar we will unravel the complexities of the vast digital landscape. In an era where the internet is both a treasure trove and a potential minefield, distinguishing between legitimate and malicious web pages has never been more challenging. The prevalence of technology has empowered cyber adversaries to swiftly deploy deceptive websites, posing a significant threat to organizations. Navigating this perilous terrain demands a proactive approach in identifying fake websites as they emerge and safeguarding your employees from potential cyber threats.

Join us as we delve into the intricacies of fuzzy matching where knowledge becomes your greatest defense. Learn how leveraging BigQuery's user-defined functions can empower you to identify phishing domains by finding websites that cunningly resemble your own. We will demonstrate the effectiveness of combining the capabilities of BigQuery with Censys' data, providing you with a powerful toolkit to proactively protect your organization. Through insightful queries and data analysis, discover how to stay one step ahead in the relentless battle against cyber threats. Don't miss this opportunity to fortify your defenses and secure your organization's digital presence!

Ariana Mirian
Ariana Mirian

Senior Security Researcher

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